My Capstone Journey #11

Helen Kemper
2 min readJul 23, 2021

This week I have solidified my design deliverables for the project. Creating the Gantt chart helped me visualize my process through each step. I feel that the longest time I should spent will be dedicated to developing the Cincy Lifeline identity. I also realize that I need to make sure I have a large allotment for content collection. What do I communicate to my audience? Where should I direct them to go?

A lot of this content gathering will come from continued research from my survey and firsthand experiences. I need to continue exploring what there is to offer along route 17 that I could highlight. I may start by developing a rough map just to plot where things are in Cincinnati. This wouldn’t be used for my visual system or anything, but just for me to personally keep track of design opportunities for signage or discovery.

Otherwise, I have just been continuing to select benchmarks for different areas of the design project. I have benchmarks for route maps, benchmarks for icon systems, and benchmarks for visual elements. I really want the project to use color to communicate liveliness, energy, and excitement. The bus is the lifeline, it brings color to the city, as well as the people who use it. Thus, I am gathering black and white images of the city, specifically a street view, and bringing color to the bus and its route.

I will continue to research about color and accessibility, as that has to be a main factor that I consider in developing my palette. The EGD system has a whole other system of constraints for accessibility, so these factors will continue to shape the form of my project.

Either way, I have shifted my mindset to be more excited about the visual system creation and I look forward to what comes out of these explorations.

